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Online Tattoo School Training & Certification

Online Tattoo School Training & Certification You are not paying for his name and getting placed with an unknown artist Gary Gray jr. will personally guide you through the tattoo learning processes! Limited Seating! SCHOOL ID INFORMATION will be sent after payment along with a copy your school guides, Videos will follow in the mail by registered mail.

Want to Learn How To Tattoo? A Message from Gary Gray jr.

Do you have the drive, the determination and the willingness to learn? Then we can help make those dreams a reality!

The tattoo learning process is not an easy one. There is a lot to learn and getting a good apprenticeship can be very costly, what I am offering is a chance to get a helping hand in the apprenticeship learning battle.

I am a tattoo artist of 12 years. I have been published in numerous tattoo magazines and traveled around the United States learning my craft.

I will provide you with all the basic learning materials needed to get the basic understanding of how you can become a tattoo artist.

You will receive over 200 pages of tattoo learning materials. These are split up into in 15 sections to jump start the learning process.

You will also receive 24 DVD videos, made by "Insane Tattoo Products" and the "International School of Body Art" featuring myself and a few colleagues demonstrating different techniques in a hands on environment, with me explaining what I am doing and why I am doing it.

There is a lot of competition out there in the tattoo industry and also in the training portion of it. I invite you to check out my tattoos and make your own decision on who you want to teach you. I will let my tattoos speak for themselves.

If you would like to take it to the next level and begin your training, I would love to help you in that process.

I do not condone illegal tattooing and there are many other safe options available to you to learn how to tattoo without tattooing out of your house and hurting your friends in the process.

I am offering the following services to you as part of this tattoo apprenticeship program.

1. I will host a weekly online classroom, to answer any questions you may have in regard to the tattoo process.

2. You will have my personal email address to email me with any questions that need an answer sooner than the scheduled weekly forum classroom.

3. I will personally help you with all of the information that I can offer.

4. I will also help you with any aspect of the pre-tattooing process. I will offer advice on materials you will need and where to get these materials.

5. I will help you feel more confident. So that when you decide to walk through that door, and start your new career, That you will have the basic understanding of what it means to be a tattoo artist, and the knowledge to back it up…….


Temporary Tattoos Sexy Lower Back Variety Pack

Temporary Tattoos Sexy Lower Back Variety Pack, 36 Tattoos (Pack of 2)Temporary Tattoos are premium quality and made in the USA. These Tattoos apply to faster and easier than any other brand (just 10 seconds). They look totally realistic on the skin?just like a real tattoo! 100% waterproof , even while swimming and bathing

See Price: Temporary Tattoos Sexy Lower Back

• New Jumbo variety Pack includes tons of Tattoos!
• Easier & faster to apply than any other brand
• 100% waterproof¿lasts 2-5 days on skin
• Easy to remove with household rubbing alcohol
• Will apply to any surface-clothing, shoes,toys,wndows,walls,etc.

The Great Symbol Of Chinese Culture - Dragon Tattoos

Dragons have been also termed as a symbol of Earth, Water, Underworld and Sky. It is regarded as neither culturally far ranging character whose bad temper is interpreted as neither good nor evil. Even the forces of nature are not regarded as human hearted since they represent the cycle of life and death which is followed by birth and renewal. It is said that natures nurtures and nature destroys and so does the dragon.

One of the common images of dragon resembles some sort of reptilian creature with lizard like features which dominates the image. The dragon tattoo images features the forked tongue which is common to reptilian creatures.

They are regarded as a symbol of mischief, wisdom, good, evil, adventure and strength. The type of images that are chosen depends upon the personal choice of the person which several men choosing tattoo designs that are either red or green and several women choosing tattoo designs which are either blue, purple or pink in color. The colors are as important as the design of the dragon tattoos.

If you consider the Chinese mythology then dragon tattoos are regarded as ancestors of the Chinese people since these creatures were symbols of supernatural and imperial power.

Fire spitting dragons have been associated with lightning water dragons which were regarded as guardians of lakes, streams, rivers and individual pools. Chinese and Japanese folk stories are filled with stories of creatures with special quests at the end of their journeys which were transformed into dragons but the fact is that dragons have grown out of human imagination.

Katy Perry tatua o nome do namorado : Errado...

A cantora Kate Perry, nascida Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, é filha de evangélicos e conseguiu entrar para o seleto grupo de artistas que logo em seu primeiro disco de estréia, emplacaram 3 musicas nmas paradas mais mais da Bilboard.

Caso você não esteja ligando a musica a pessoa, aqui no Brasil, Katy é sucesso na trilha sonora da novela Caminho das Indias com seu hit " "Thinking Of You".

Katy atualmente está sendo alvo do assédio da imprensa, não devido ao seu trabalho musical, mas sim por conta de uma tatuagem que ela fez em seu peito em homenagem a seu namorado: Josh Groban.

Até aí tudo bem: O problema é a moça ter tatuado o nome do suposto namorado, errando a grafia: Ao invés de Josh Groban , ela tatuou Josh Grobin.
A sorte da cantora é que a tatuagem é de mentirinha, feita com tinta lavável.

Katy possui uma tatuagem real no tornozelo: O desenho de um morango.

Assista ao vídeo do Youtube com a música trilha de caminhos das Indias "Thinking Of You"

Tatuagens dos leitores - Ramon

O leitor Ramon, nos enviou suas tatuagen s juntamente com as explicaçõies supoer detalhadas dos significados de cada uma.
Vale a pena dar uma conferida

"A primeira (1) é uma clave de sol, foi minha primeira tatuagem, a que tenho mais carinho... Sou apaixonado por musica, toco, já trabalhei com musica e ainda trabalho com freelancer!!!
Musica é minha vida...Vivo com musica e pela musica!

A Segunda (2) é um dragão chinês, sim é igual ao do Shiriu dos cavaleiros do zodíaco, só que com a diferença que o meu é chinês e tem a esfera na mão, bom.
Como a do Shiriu, o dragão esta com a pata direita localizada próximo ao coração... E o porque de eu escolher o chinês ? Bom, na mitologia chinesa os dragões carregavam esferas, na verdade eram perolas, e o poder deles vinha dessa pérola, que era carregada em sua pata direta, na boca ou atrás da cabeça.
O fato de ela estar posicionada próximo ao coração se deve ao fato de eu ser cético ao extremo, e me faz lembrar o valor que tem o coração, porque é do coração que o homem tira sua coragem, é de lá que vem a bravura e geralmente as decisões mais inteligentes!

A terceira (3, 4, 5, 6 e 7) ainda não estão terminadas, mas estou quase lá... Essa tatuagem se trata de tudo que marcou minha adolescência... E que vai ficar marcado o resto da vida... Todas as minhas influencias da musica, as minhas bandas de cabeceira... Aquelas que ouço quando estou feliz, quando estou triste, pra comemorar, para esquecer. Ou seja, para qualquer situação da vida !
Vou explicar o desenho:

Na parte de fora do braço é o Eddie (mascote do Iron maiden, da capa do Live after death).

Na parte de trás do braço estão os símbolos do Led Zeppelin (cada um de um integrante da banda).

Na parte interna, esta o Angus Young (da capa do Hightway
to hell, guitarrista do AC - DC), e próximo a axila o DP símbolo do Deep Purple, da capa do Perfect Stranger...

No ombro na parte da frente está o demônio alado do Black Sabbath...
Na parte de cima do ombro esta escrito “are you experienced ?”, que é o nome do primeiro cd do Jimi Hendrix...

na parte de baixo dando a volta no braço perto do cotovelo, dentro das chamas, esta escrito LONG LIVE ROCK N ROLL, que além de uma musi
ca do terceiro álbum do Rainbow...Também é a frase que vou encher o pulmão para falar durante toda a vida !"

Tatuagem clave-de-sol

Tatuagem dragão com pérola

Eddie (mascote do Iron maiden, da capa do Live after death)

símbolos do Led Zeppelin (cada um de um integrante da banda)

Angus Young (da capa do Hightway to hell, guitarrista do AC DC)

demônio alado do Black Sabbath